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200th Anniversary of Birth of The Bab

Article in the Bucks Herald by Dr Burhan Hayati

On October 29th this year (2019), the Baha’is of Aylesbury Vale and all around the world will celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the birth of The Bab, born in 1819, in Persia. The Bab announced that He was the bearer of a message that will transform the life of humanity. 
The appearance of every such Educator, as recorded in the Sacred Texts of the world’s great faiths, is a pivotal event that propels the advancement of civilization. The spiritual stimulus each has provided throughout history has enabled the radius of human cooperation to extend from the clan, to the tribe, to the city-state, and to the nation. And each of these great Teachers promised that, in time, another divine Figure would appear, Whose advent should be anticipated and Whose influence would reform the world.
The Bab’s influence and His teachings spread with extraordinary rapidity, reaching beyond the limits of Persia. Observers were astonished alike by the fast-swelling numbers of His followers and by their deeds of unsurpassed bravery and devotion. Accounts of the Báb’s life—the swift arc it traced and the tragic drama that ended it—induced curious souls to travel to Persia and investigate further, and inspired a range of artistic tributes to His Person.


Promise of World Peace

The Promise of World Peace was presented to the Aylesbury MP Mr Timothy Raison back in 1985 by Mr David Powell and Mr Denis Perren.

Since the inception of the Baha’i Faith in 1844 the Faith’s main aim has been to build understanding and unity between the worlds religions, nations and peoples.